Special Virtual Shareholder Meeting

The TSO, Inc. Board of Directors has announced a virtual Shareholder Meeting to be held [...]

Family Reunion 2022 Reimbursement Policy

This year’s Texas State Optical Family Reunion is coming together as one of the most [...]

2022 Board of Directors Meeting Dates

The next meetings of the TSO, Inc. Board of Directors for 2022 are listed below.

Texas Independence Day

Howdy everybody. March 2nd is a very important day for Texas, it commemorates that day [...]

New Year, New Benefits! Maximize Your Benefits Campaign

Happy New Year to all the patients with new employee benefits. Consumers get smarter every [...]

Evenings of Celebration

In the last quarter of 2021 we had the pleasure of acknowledging and celebrating several [...]

Shareholder Meeting is Canceled

Unfortunately, the Shareholder meeting that was set for October 24th, 2021 at The Westin in [...]

Celebrating a Million with Dr. Faz and Spring TSO

Each year TSO recognizes offices that achieved a certain amount of success in terms of [...]

Shareholders Elect New Directors

TSO, Inc. shareholders elected four new directors which took office on July 1, 2021 for [...]

NEW! Platinum Practices Announced

The TSO Platinum Practice Award recognizes those office teams that each year provides quality eye [...]