Your Staff Needs You

Your Staff Needs You

Stay Limber

I cannot speak for everyone, but I would not be surprised if most of us experienced staffing difficulties through the pandemic. Employees having to leave work for quarantine, others deciding to stay home because of fear, and others still choosing to pursue different careers have put many of us in challenging positions as we try to keep our clinics functional.

Chairman’s CORNER
– Reid Robertson, OD

It has been a rollercoaster ride for everyone at my clinics, and so many times, I have asked my staff to work shorthanded and get through another tough day. I have found myself worrying about my staff’s morale every day as we keep working.

Now is a vital time for each of us to make sure that we are the best leaders that we can be for our clinics. Now more than ever, your staff needs you to support them. I feel that there are two significant areas in which we can all help our teams. The first is to be a reliable leader.

When everything is in chaos, people can pull through hard times if they feel that they have a leader to depend on and trust. Be honest with your staff, but also be firm when you speak with them. Now is not the time to be a silent leader. Speak to your employees regularly, discuss protocol changes, track goals, and things as simple as how the day went.

The second area in which I feel that we should be very vigilant is to be thoughtful leaders. Let your staff know each day that you appreciate the work that they put in. Ask them about difficulties they face while working and adjust your protocols to help ease the pressures they face.

Remember, these folks have decided to work and help you during a time in which they could sit at home, safe and sound from the pandemic. Make sure that you put in the extra effort to highlight their sacrifices and accomplishments.

Everyone is sick and tired of the burdens that we are going through with the pandemic, but as our clinics’ leaders, we need to be the example for our employees. Show them all that we can work with smiles behind our masks. Take the extra time to give rewards to your employees and encourage them through this time. Each of us is responsible for setting the tone or creating the culture of our work environments.

Shake off the grind that the pandemic has created and lift your team; I know it will help everyone get through this