Starting A New Decade

Starting A New Decade

Starting A New Decade

You’re all probably already getting tired about hearing about the year 2020 and how fun that is for an optometrist, but I can’t lie, it does feel like something special. To me, it’s all about diving into not just a new year, but a new decade.

The 2010s showed us changes that rocked the optometry world. Tech and start-up companies continue to alter the business landscape with no signs of slowing down. Sometimes these upheavals are very frightening and cause us all worry. But, they also present amazing opportunities for us if we allow ourselves to be limber and to adapt.

Chairman’s CORNER
– Reid Robertson, OD

I feel invigorated by the start of a new decade. I took some time to myself to think about the next 10 years, re-tweak my current five year plan, and consider where I want to be at the end of this decade. It was well worth the time. A lot of apathy and dissatisfaction in our careers can come from not planning for the future and setting goals. Growth and fulfillment never occur if we simply grind through each day without considering where we want to go in our lives.

We often laugh at the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions or goals, sometimes because it is fairly cliché, and sometimes at our past defeats in following those resolutions. I don’t look at past failures as a reason to avoid New Year’s resolutions. I prefer to look at New Year’s as a great chance to refocus, re-motivate, and try to improve. It is cliché, but that does not mean that it is unimportant.

I hope that everyone can start out this year focused and excited about the possibilities that we have in front of us. My wife has always told me that any birthday or anniversary that ends in a zero should be celebrated as something special. We don’t get too many of those. So, in that vein, I wish that each of us will make 2020 into something special. Celebrate and enjoy the start of a new decade and renew your goals to be the most incredible eye doctors out there!