
FAMILY- We may not have it all together, but together we have it all!

Great seeing everyone who attended our TSO Family Reunion. We had a record number of attendees, families, and exhibitors this year. Our network staff did an incredible job of organizing the event. Great job team. I am already looking forward to next years event.

Please be sure to acknowledge the contributions of our vendor partners by using their products in your office. They are an essential part of a successful practice.

The board of directors first meeting included electing committee chairs and a board chairman. I am pleased to announce Dr. Reid Robertson will assume the helm of chairman. Dr. Roberson and his wife, Dr. Hina Robertson, run excellent practices in Allen and Rockwall, TX.

Dr. Roberson was the chair of the nominations committee and has been a valuable member of the board for several years. We are looking forward to continuing the momentum of our network.

Our family reunion and working with the board has led me to think about hospitality.

Merriam-Webster definition of hospitable is:

  1. Given generous and cordial reception of guest
  2. Promising or suggesting generous and friendly welcome
  3. Readily receptive and open

The hospitality industry is usually thought of as providing services to guest in hotels, restaurants, bars, et cetera. Make no mistake, as owners and operators of our clinics and opticals, we too are in the hospitality industry. This is where we can make the most impact on our patients and retain their business going forward.

We are also responsible for being hospitable with each other. I observed this at the family reunion. And would like us to take advantage of the various opportunities to interact and share with one another. Throughout the year we have board meetings, regional meetings, optometry school events, TOA events that we could practice the art of hospitality with fellow TSO doctors and staff.

“Family is not an important thing, it’s the only thing.”- Michael J. Fox