The Regional Management teams complete a daily review of twenty incoming phone calls from / E -Network, that enables each to share with each TSO member they call upon insights on how your team is answering telephone calls made to you practice daily. The objective is to provide key insights from proper greetings, providing information to questions pertaining to about your practice but importantly, booking eye exams.
Enclosed are two reflections from TSO Members on how the reviews assist them with subjects relevant to their practice that speak when the call reviews are emailed monthly with best
practices from the RM’s. We have the ability to provide the links with actual audio for you to preview as well as assist your management teams in staff development. Examination of actual hold times is recorded and one of the first steps a practice can take in minimizing these is to know how often it occurs can be reported to you in improving the practices performance.
A Standard Operating Procedure that outlines proper telephone etiquette is available thats provides scripts in answering calls. A training video of proper telephone answering procedures is also available through your RM. This can be emailed as attachment to assist in training of new operators or a good refresher for all .
TSO University has a section dedicated to the subject as the first impression of your practice starts here on incoming calls this resource for all new associates to enlist with is available. The measurement to success is to conversions of incoming calls to booked exams as currently the TSO Network Average has just reached 60% of calls in June converted to booked exams.
Do you know how your practice performance in booking exams? Reach out to your Regional
Manager for additional support the value of Incoming Call Reviews or email me at