In this issue we focus on the number of telephone calls missed by our members. These are phone calls that originate from an internet platform (local office websites,, Google My Business, social media, etc) between the hours the office is open and are not answered by an office staff.
On average the network misses over 8,000 phone calls EACH MONTH. Based on analysis of these missed calls, at least 33% of them are calls being made to schedule an appointment for an eye exam. This means, EACH MONTH more than 2,400 phone calls, made during the office’s open hours by people wanting to schedule an appointment are missed and not answered. At an average revenue per exam of $400, this amounts to $960,000.00 in lost revenue EACH MONTH or $11,152,000.00 each year. That’s ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS each year. Here is a breakdown of the missed calls over the last four weeks.