Telemedicine, Live Chat Updates

Telemedicine, Live Chat Updates

Telemedicine, Live Chat UpdatesBy: Steve Poley, EyeCarePro

TSO Bulverde telemedicine came online Monday, September 28.

Dr. Lehmann and the office staff practiced an online consult, exam-coding and patient consult. They can receive a telemedicine patient exam-request, triage a telemedicine call, and connect the doctor-patient online with video calling. Then complete the exam with cash or insurance billing.

The office telemedicine webpage sees 1-2 patient visits per day. But, for the first 10-days, there is not yet an online exam. More interestingly, TSO Bulverde in-office patients increased more than the TSO network. Telemedicine generates interest. For local patients, it might just be easier to see the doctor in the office. More at the program develops.


We are testing LIVE CHAT at TSO Kingwood and on for the last month.

This is the digital equivalent of “walk-ins welcome.” Patients see the LIVE CHAT button and ask, “can I get an appointment this afternoon?” Quick, convenient, and comfortable for patients.

We are adapting the program to work with more office staff, so no request goes unanswered.

Look for updates on this developing program.

Telemedicine, Live Chat Updates