Maximize NEW Vision Benefits…See 31 More Patients

Max-Benefits in the New Year

Max-Benefits in the New YearBy: Steve Poley, EyeCarePro

January 2021 results are in and the “New” benefits campaign is a winner!

Patients start the new year with updated employee benefits and immediately begin their search for vision care. Google Trends reports the highest search activity of the year is January and early February. Patients are now looking for eye doctor, optometrists, and eye exams.

The Maximize Your Benefits message for January/February is about NEW and Get MORE from what you have. This is a very competitive message for all the patients with 3rd Party Benefits. Texas State Optical takes patients beyond the 2-for offers. It’s about getting more … more professional care, more skilled optician support, and more from what you have.

So, how is it working?

TSO offices with elective digital advertising support saw:

  • 21% more exam-calls than offices without advertising support
  • Better quality leads and higher conversion to booked exams
  • Offices with advertising support converted 60% of appointment calls while offices without advertising converted 54%
  • Offices with advertising booked 31 more patient exams in January than offices without advertising

Many patients with 3rd Party vision benefits received their new employer benefits packages in January. Now, they are looking for an “eye doctor near me”. February will see a boost in patient search interest with those searching to “Maximize NEW Vision Benefits”. Your office can enjoy the same results as January but you have to call now. Everyday that goes past lets those families with new benefits be seen by someone else.

Let your TSO Regional Manager know today and see more patients in February.