TSO Network Update - October 2017

October 2017 l 3 Why did I decide to run for a position on the TSO Board of Directors: My reasons for wanting to serve on the TSO Board of Directors are varied. First and foremost, I wanted to give back to the group of Doctors that have been such a tremendous help to me and my practice. I truly believe in the values of Texas State Optical’s “Leadership through Service” and I felt this was one way I could give of my time. Another important reason to serve was to help promote the idea of “change . ” My hope is that we can, as a group, change in the way we deliver a better experience to our patients and customers. Our industry is rapidly changing, and if we don’t adjust we will become inconsequential in the delivery of eyecare. It wasn’t long ago that we all embraced the “medical model” of Optometric eyecare. Diagnosis and treatment of eye disease for some doctors was something they had to learn and incorporate into their practice. If they didn’t, their patients would go somewhere else and usually never return. In this case, patient demand created the change and we all adapted. Today we face a similar pressure to change. The internet and other forces are creating serious competition for patient dollars and we have to adapt to these changes or be left behind. And finally, I would like to help bridge the chasm of mistrust that many shareholders have with the Board of Directors. I firmly believe that a spirit of openness and communication can help make Texas State Optical the greatest Optometry organization in the country. An organization that other Doctors want to be involved with, which will ultimately lead to the growth and viability of our group during these turbulent times. Our greatest return on investment can only be realized if we have the best product to promote. Thank you for the opportunity to serve. Sincerely, Jonathan D. Sher, OD, FAAO TSO McKinney Why I Ran for the Board of Directors Available Again on eStore “Give the Gift of Vision” $25 and $50 gift cards are available on eStore. Give them as a gift or promote them to encourage your patients to give to family and friends. 6” x 9” Counter Card