The recent Super Bowl on football produced the champion of the NFL with the Los Angeles Rams or the New England Patriots, again!
Let’s examine a couple of facts and how it relates to Texas State Optical today with the focus on teamwork. It all starts with the quarterback, who calls the plays as its network member in this assessment, as I share a couple of points that have led to a winning season.
The recent digital marketing workshop attended by the highest amount of practices outside of our Vision Quest, provided insights EyeCarePro can offer to drive patients to your practice. Like in football, it compares to a series of plays to move towards scoring, which enables you to win the game. I am excited to see the score at the end of each quarter with applications and best practices shared in marketing your practice.
This example is one of many plays that the quarterback decides to position in the game and along with his/her team, your management team, associates from front desk to opt techs, opticians, and lab techs all work together with the decisions made by the captain of the team as the quarterback is usually the leader of the group.
The drive towards scoring starts on the field with a huddle to which the directions are issued on the designed play to move forward. I equate this to meetings you hold consistently with your associates, management and Network resources, such as your designated Practice Consultant, in meeting your expectations in team development to the goal. Completing a visit this past month, one of my Network members simply stated: “If I don’t measure it, we don’t know if we’re going in the right direction.”
So true. Back to teamwork, Your Practice Consultant is in the best position to help you design your goals for 2019, many sets 90-day quarterly targets from increasing capture ratio, selling more Blue-Light/No Glare lens or increasing our average revenue collected from patients, while presenting the best patient experience. A reminder that The Edge will position you with details that will empower you with the knowledge to what’s working from associate productivity to what frames or manage care plans are paying off. Visit with your board members or peers to the real value The Edge positioned in your practice.
During the game, an auditable was called in adjusting the play to run to move forward and having the support of the Network will position your team to score and from marketing, merchandising, operational support, it’s just a call away to assist you and your management team.
The winner of the game is you and reminder that this year’s Vision Quest (like half time in the football game) will be the biggest Family Reunion held yet with encouragement to sign up to attend.
Importantly have your staff there to obtain best practices in operations for the second half of the season and as we work together to have a winning season. We look forward to seeing your team colors there!
Looking forward to the sharing insights from the power of teamwork as I welcome you to reach out to me at 713-561- 1640 or and let’s get to the Super Bowl and already have won the game with your teams meeting your expectations in presenting the best patient experience.