2018 Fourth Quarter Marketing Guide and Tool Kit

MARKETING GUIDE & TOOL KIT | 7 This is a great time of year to associate the patient’s purchase with supporting a cause. Every city has local organizations that are in desperate need for financial support. 5 5. Cause Marketing TIPS Offer your patients an opportunity to support these organizations with a TSO donation resulting from every purchase of $200 or more. This works especially well in supporting organizations that support low-income families and senior citizens during the holiday season. Thank you. Donations can also be made online at: www.givingsight.org Please find attached my cheque or money order made payable to Optometry Giving Sight Please charge my credit card Title: First name: Last name: Company / Practice: Position: Address: City/State: Zip code: Telephone: Fax: Email: This is a personal donation This is a company donation Signature: Please send me more information about the I CARE & SHARE™ program Please send me more information about the World Sight Day Challenge Please send me more information about Patient Giving Card number: Name on Card: Card type: VISA DISCOVER MASTERCARD AMEX Expiry Date: Yes I would like to make a single gift of: $300 $600 $1200 $________ Yes I would like to make a regular donation of: $25 per month $50 per month $100 per month $________per month $300 per annum $600 per annum $1200 per annum $________per annum Transforming lives through the gift of vision Please return to: Optometry Giving Sight, 1019 8th Street, Suite 304, Golden, Colorado 80401 T | 1-888-OGS-GIVE F | 1-303-279-8042 W | www.givingsight.org E | usa@givingsight.org Alldonations are taxdeductible *Billed annually