TSO Network Update - September 2019
14 z September 2019 San Marcos TSO Capitalizes on TSONewtork Twilio Recording Resources Read a testimonial from Dr. Stephen Stanfield of San Marcos on how he utilizes TSONetworkUpdate.com’s call recording system to increase his office’s productivity and provide his patients with an optimized phone experience. “Every morning I check my office calls from E-network. I have committed to listen to four calls a day. I try to spread them out between morning and afternoon. The calls I am interested in is the longer conversations. I cannot listen to them all, so I choose the long ones. Listening to the calls is very informative. I hear questions from patients and how we handle them. At our weekly office meeting usually we discuss some issue that I heard on the phone. I have given bonuses for the way some patients were handled. We discuss poor performances with patients to get better. It is a teaching moment. Also the staff knows I may be listening. The calls are a useful tool to keep up with what is happening in the office.” - Dr. Stephen Stanfield “After all the website updates, Google My Business administration, web directory listings, social media, and emails ... the only way we know what’s working is patient phone calls. 93% of TSO digital reach comes back as a phone call. We also know that only 1 of 3 appointment calls actually book an exam time. Listening to your office calls will help you know why two patient calls do not book an appointment. You can listen to your patient calls on the TSO e-Network. We keep the calls for two months. There’s a treasure of information waiting for your attention. “ - Steve Poley How do I locate my TSO.com site phone calls? 1. Login as a shareholder 2. Click “REPORTS” in your dashboard 3. Click “TSO.com Site Phone Calls” Now Available on eStore