TSO Network Update - October 2018
2 z October 2018 Network News BuildingWealthWorkshop How to Maximize Your Practice Value October 28, 2018 12:00 to 5:00 PM Building Wealth Workshop How to maximize your practice value Speakers Mark R. Wright, OD, FCOVD CEO of Pathways to Success Director of Bennett/VSP Business Management Professional Editor of Optometric Business Robert Schultz President and CEO Vision One Credit Union Being able to retire and sell your practice is not something that just happens. You have to properly plan and manage your practice over the years so that you are not just building a practice, but you are building wealth. This half- day workshop will teach you how to build wealth in your practice so that you will be able to sell it at its maximum value when you chose to retire. This workshop is designed for shareholder doctors. Registration Now Open https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventRe g?oeidk=a07efpk6v5t9a0d6de6&oseq=&c=8f09f760-f639- 11e2-8fcd-d4ae528eade9&ch=8f0d2bb0-f639-11e2-8fcd- d4ae528eade9 New Shareholder Benefit- Online Sales Reporting and Payments TSO Network office is pleased to offer the Shareholder Doctors of TSO online sales reporting and payments. Shareholder Doctors of TSO can submit their monthly sales reports and authorize to have payment deducted automatically from a designated checking or savings account. “The online sales reporting tool has been a great tool for our practice. With busy schedules and dozens of bills to pay each month, it’s important to be as efficient as possible wherever we can, and this tool allows us to quickly and accurately report our sales to TSO. Initial setup was a simple DocuSign completion and designation of the account which we would be paying from. As always, the team at TSO was quick to help with any questions we had during the setup, and I highly recommend anyone still writing checks to make the switch!” - Dr. Leigha Nielsen Two steps to signing up for online sales reporting: 1. Email Mary Han ( mary@tso.com) and request an authorization form. 2. Upon completion of your authorization form, your online sales reporting form will be turned on! Shareholders are not required to change their present banking relationship to take advantage of this service • It saves time and postage. • It’s easy to sign up for, easy to cancel. • As an added benefit, all offices signed up for electronic payments will also be eligible for direct deposit of vendor rebates. FAQs How do I find the sales entry form once I have completed my docusign? Click link below to watch the tutorial! https://youtu.be/gTQ372vpbn0