TSO Network Update - October 2017

2 l October 2017 Network News TSO Network Core Values What forms the bond between us as a group of independent practices is the voluntary commitment to a set of core values. By embracing and conducting ourselves in this manner, we set ourselves apart as an example in our industry. Visionary Spirit The belief that there are no challenges but rather opportunities. Invested in Relationships Providing quality eyecare depends on building and nurturing relationships with our patients, our colleagues and our profession. Dedicated Professionals We demonstrate respect for our patients and profession by the manner in which we conduct ourselves and the effort made improving our skills and abilities. Leadership Through Service We believe leadership is earned through service to others, service to our associates, our Network members and our professional and civic communities. Practice Consultant Steve Coronado Gives Vision Expo Recap Attendance of Vision Expo West has provided myself an opportunity, in supporting the members of the TSO Network, not only enhance my knowledge of the latest industry’s trends, but also allows the partnership with my TSO members to personally visit with them, preferred companies TSO works with such as EyeDesign as I did with Dr Allison of Victoria who is examining remodeling options of his practice. My role in supporting the Doctors of Texas State Optical is truly enriched as I return to my market with insights these vendors and others like Clearvision, Costa and Zeiss to all that matters! It truly energizes me personally to be the Best Practice Consultant I can be in supporting Texas State Optical and I encourage anyone who’s considering to make the investment, as it will make difference. John Soper and Dr. Brian Blount of TSO Dowlen Rd. At Eye Designs with Dr. Joseph Allison of TSO Victoria with Patricia Boblin. Steve Coronado, Dr. Roland Montemayor with wife Maria, and Costa reps.