TSO Network Update - November 2017

Vol. 6, Issue 11 November 2017 October is in the books and we have a couple of months to close out 2017. This is always a fun, but busy time of year. Along with all the day-to-day operations of our offices, we have a lot of end of year tasks. Last month I wrote about preparing for the final quarter and preparing a budget and goals for 2018. This month requires some dedicated time to start planning inventory counts, possible equipment purchases (tax reasons), and ensuring you have the required CE to relicense. Be sure to look at TSO Network Update. It has been revamped and has pages for marketing ideas, job postings, education, and classifieds. Be sure to get your holiday cards ordered on time. Also, one of our goals is to increase shareholder participation at Vision Quest. Registration is now open and if you have a colleague you haven’t seen in a while, encourage them to attend. I find that I get many new ideas for my practice from meeting with other Doctors of TSO and staff. Our board of directors organized a fall shareholder meeting in response to shareholders wanting more communication and transparency of the company. The meeting took place Sunday, October 22 in Houston. Unfortunately, we had far fewer shareholders than we anticipated. So, I would like some communication for you all as to why we had so few Chairman’s CORNER - Benny Peña, OD Planing for 2018 attend. We scheduled the meeting in Houston because a majority of our offices are in the Houston area. We realize that Sunday is usually reserved for family time but we thought more would attend if we held the meeting on a non-revenue day. Please forward any ideas for future meeting. We want to share as much information about the company as possible.