TSO Network Update - March 2018

TSO Network Core Values What forms the bond between us as a group of independent practices is the voluntary commitment to a set of core values. By embracing and conducting ourselves in this manner, we set ourselves apart as an example in our industry. Visionary Spirit The belief that there are no challenges but rather opportunities. Invested in Relationships Providing quality eyecare depends on building and nurturing relationships with our patients, our colleagues and our profession. Dedicated Professionals We demonstrate respect for our patients and profession by the manner in which we conduct ourselves and the effort made improving our skills and abilities. Leadership Through Service We believe leadership is earned through service to others, service to our associates, our Network members and our professional and civic communities. Understanding the TSO Shareholder Value It is important that we make good investments. As a member of the TSO Network, you invest in the organization through monthly member dues and a monthly payment to license the use of the Texas State Optical name for your practice. What do you get for that investment? Recently the Board of Directors asked this question and decided it would be a good idea to actually spell out what the value our members receive for being a part of the Texas State Optical network. Time was spent to be as accurate and quantifiable as possible. This is the current value of membership. This value is enjoyed by each and every member regardless of size or sales revenues.