TSO Network Update - July 2018

18 z July 2018 Practice Management Practice Consultants CORNER — Steve Coronado Sun and Fun at TSO TSO, sun wear season is upon us and one of the true benefits of living in Texas is that the sun shines year-round. This benefit enables everyone to present the value of sun wear to our patients 12 months out of the year. I am going to share a few facts from a recent 20/20 April 2018 SunVision Update survey to consider: Why would someone consider us over the Internet, department store, sunglass specialty store? • One-third noted that service would be a factor • Product customization capabilities was 31% in 2018 and frame and lens knowledge was at 25% Service, by definition, is the experience that your patients encounter. Enhance that experience by adding conversations about sun wear and eye care health. We all know these things, but are we speaking to our patients regarding it? Let’s ensure that everyone has a clear role in promoting sun wear when the exam is being booked, reminding patients to bring in their current sunglasses for review. Request patients to bring in their computer, driving and sun wear in promotion of multiple pairs that fit their lifestyle. At check-in and when starting exam process, ask the patient if they brought in their sunglasses, as it’s a great time to advise of new arrivals. Everyone wants to hear about something new, especially when it comes to fashion sunglasses. The script is simple. “Do you have your prescription sun wear and/ or driving glasses with you today? Be sure to ask our optician to preview the new sunglass models that arrived last week.” It’s our job to communicate with excitement, and stay informed to educate the patient. Product Customization and Frame /Lens Knowledge The key is to promote what each frame features and to fit the lifestyle needs of the patient, but let’s focus on customization and lens knowledge. Ask your staff • What’s their understanding of how polarized lenses work • How do they communicate it to patients Share your answers with your TSO Practice Consultant, as this would be a great breakfast or lunch learning session on your office’s next scheduled visit. I always have enjoyed using the simply definition that polarized lens are like venetian blinds, window shades for the eyes, certain wavelengths in visible lights are filtered out, not to mention the ultraviolent/infrared light protection offered. The key is to connect the patient to their experiences when driving or looking at water surfaces while boating or fishing. I would invite everyone to understand what is being said in the exam lane so everyone is singing the same song to eye care benefits regarding polarized lenses. In addition to what’s being said, how information is presented during the exam and is it emphasized when passing the baton of information, the patient to optical handoff, is also important. Your Zeiss rep may also be in a position to educate, as well as frame reps you have relationships. The TSO Associate training program also provides education. Knowledge is power in servicing your patients. Sun wear is always the fun part of the merchandising of a practice. Have fun in promoting it. A couple of suggestions for you to consider in creating that excitement that your patients will enjoy. A. Staff Picks: This is huge in retailing and have every associate select a favorite and broadcast in waiting area for patients to preview. Everyone’s involved, share with me a photo of this and I’ll position in TSO Network Update. Steve@tso.com B. Next Staff meeting, have a fashion show so everyone can participate gaining knowledge to new arrivals. C. Social media, many of you already use Facebook/local website to announce new arrivals but now more than ever, position a brief new arrival of sun wear review with the objective to book exams. Don’t forget to invite your patients to comment on your social media, as the best way to promote your practice is through your patients. Social media counter cards are available at no cost at the TSO eStore. Need assistance just reach out to your Marketing Team of Yanely at Yanely@tso.com or Lindsey at Lindsey@tso.