TSO Network Update - February 2019
Vol. 8, Issue 2 February 2019 2019 is off to a roaring start and there are lots of upcoming events for this new year. We would like everyone in our TSO Network of Optometrists to please consider participating in these events for several reasons. First and foremost is to see your smiling faces and be able to spend some time with one another sharing success stories, business difficulties, and life events that we may otherwise be unaware of. Second is because this is an important time for optometry and our best opportunity to have our legislature hear our voice and be able to practice the level of our training. The annual TOA convention, now called the TOA summit, is being held in Austin February 14-17. Thursday is referred to as Optometry Day, and many of our fellow ODs will be combing the halls of our capital to visit with their legislators and advocating for our profession. Don’t be concerned if you have never done Chairman’s CORNER - Benny Peña, OD 2019 is Off to a Roaring Start this before. You can tag along with others that are experienced stating our cause to our legislators. Also, there is a webinar and Facebook live event scheduled for February 5, 2019, that will explain how ODs can enlighten our elected representatives and senators. An elevation of our scope of practice will elevate access to patient care to fellow Texans and our capacity to take care of them with procedures most of us are either trained or very capable to perform. Also, our last board of directors meeting was held at UHCO. We had the opportunity to visit with Dean Smith who discussed his upcoming retirement and the college goals for the future. We also were able to see a few surgeries performed in the school’s state of the art surgical center. This is an opportunity for us and fellow ODs to support the school. They have an easy online referral program and, if you chose, your patient can be returned to you as soon as the one-day post visit. Students rotate through the center and gain valuable experience for their future patients. And while I don’t think that cataract surgery is in our future, follow up procedures like YAG capsulotomy and LPI certainly are. Finally, registration is open for Vision Quest! Another opportunity for us to get together. Please consider attending TOA and Vision Quest. See you there.