TSO Network Update -February 2018

February 2018 l 9 Practice Management Make a Memory Make a memory the creating yes’s way! What a great way to start a new year. Italian poet Cesare Pavese once said, “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” All it takes is a moment of your life to create a yes and a positive memory in another’s life. Hopefully your day is full of memory-making moments that will resonate with your patients. Remember, the whole concept of selling is based on emotion. Positive emotions = yes’s = memories. If you’re going to make a memory the creating yes’s way, you will need to think like a patient. After all, they are the boss, right? Ask yourself what do patients really need, want, and expect? Our business exists to meet the needs of patients…the boss! Remember, if you do not meet their needs, they will take their business elsewhere and you have no business. It’s that simple! Here are a few patient’s needs, want, and expectations: 1. Respect & recognition 2. Trust & trustworthiness 3. Help 4. Comfort, compassion & support 5. A friendly, smiling face 6. To be made to feel important and appreciated 7. Understanding 8. Knowledgeable staff 9. A quality product or service at a fair price Practice Consultants CORNER — Rosie Daniel Most of these needs, wants and expectations hinge on one key skill you must have…. being a great listener. A great listener will: a. Hear b. Understand c. Interpret d. Respond Another great way to create yes’s is to show your patient that you value them. Truly appreciate that they have chosen you and your office as the place they want to spend their hard-earned money. a. Stay trained & knowledgeable b. Know your patient c. Go the extra mile d. Create a welcoming atmosphere e. The patient is always right f. Be accommodating If patients have a negative experience, they will not purchase, even if they like the product. When it comes to making a memory the creating yes’s way, nothing is more effective than simply listening to your patient’s needs, desires, frustrations, and joys! I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou Each month we ask one of the Practice Consultants to write an article on a subject they select to be important based on their work with offices in their region. This article has been printed as written by the author.