TSO Network Update -February 2018

22 l February 2018 #4 SOCIAL MEDIA BOOMS As the new year begins, 73% of ECPs surveyed report using social media to help build business. Social media also ranks second only to staff training as the area in which ECPs surveyed say they need to devote more time to better communicate with patients. Eyecare professionals’ platforms of choice? 85% use Facebook, followed by Instagram (31%) and Twitter (20%) . Most ECPs are posting no more than a few times a week, and many only a few times a month. Most agree they’re not posting often enough. #5 MERCHANDISING SHIFTS High-end eyewear will see even more popularity in 2018, as it continues to grow as a business-building differentiator for all ECPs. Still, more than half of ECPs’ frame mix (51%) falls into the midrange category. The most popular style in all price ranges? Full-rim acetate eyewear outpaces other options by a wide margin. ECPs remain steadfast on the most essential frame features—construction quality, styling, and performance remain the Top 3 . MOST-IMPORTANT FRAME FEATURES 1. Construction quality 2. Styling 3. Performance 4. Return policy 5. Material 6. Price 7. Proven popularity 8. Minimums 9. Innovative designs/materials 10. Rep recommendation #6 PREMIUM LENSES SETTLE IN Free-form lenses and the latest high-tech PALs are definitely on ECPs’ radar for 2018. In fact, survey respondents report 57% of their PAL revenue results from premium-priced lenses, while only 14% of sales come from value product. It makes sense, therefore, that 70% of ECPs report they are likely or very likely to take additional measurements to process free-form/digital lenses. And, a growing number (23%) use an app to take those measurements. What reference points do savvy ECPs like you use to recommend custom lenses? First, they communicate the benefits, and, second, they share their own personal wearing experience of the product. #7 CL UNCERTAINTY Nearly 7 out of 10 respondents (67%) have seen an upward tick in overall contact lens sales during the past year, but when asked how much CL sales will change over the next six to 12 months, there’s less optimism than a year ago. Though 6 out of 10 (57%) believe sales will rise, that’s down from 71% in 2016. Certainly, online competition plays a role here. Looking ahead, nearly three-quarters (74%) of ECPs surveyed see multifocals as the soft contact lens category with the most potential for 2018.