TSO Network Update -February 2018

February 2018 l 17 for ways to make it personal and relatable. I make it a point to share my understanding of the challenges they face with their vision by learning what they do (or want to do) and quickly pointing out what should be the tough spots for them in that environment. This sets up trust in me as a practitioner because they know I understand what they face and also that I am engaged with them. This process is important before you “recommend” any of the above things because if you do not succeed in proving that you care and know what you are talking about, it is very unlikely that they will be open to listening to any of your suggestions. In other words, if you want to be successful prove that you care, are genuine in your concern, and understand our field and how to help each person individually and uniquely. Truly achieving this takes more time so I encourage doctors to schedule more time with each patient so that you aren’t rushing through and missing the boat. As I tell my staff, my goal is to work smarter, not harder. I schedule no less than 30 minutes (Doctor time) with each complete eye exam and take 40 minutes anytime I can (especially for new patients). Almost always the more time I spend up to around that time (not over) the more we capture per patient and the more likely they are to trust and recommend me to others. If you could change something about your practice, what would you change and why? Dr. Sher - I would like more room for a bigger optical. I would love to have an area twice what we have now so we could offer more frame selection and have more room for dispensing tables. Dr. Pham - Better frame board management, one of most important, and we don’t have a good handle on this. Dr. House - I spend so much time with my patients that I do not get to spend enough time with my staff. No matter how well I do at attaining the trust I mentioned above it will only yield to financial success if my staff is able to take the baton correctly when I pass the patient off. I plan to set up more meetings with staff to make sure they are trained in my techniques as much as possible, but it is certainly difficult as you all know, to have a staff that completely represents you and your practice the way you want. I look forward and hope that TSO can have more training modules to help simplify the process of training staff as we move forward and will personally input into those modules as much as I can in the next few months. TSO Dispensing Trays - $10.00 each Attractive Silver Name Badge (with magnetic clip) 3 x 4 TSO Branded Door Mat (Black) Order On-Line at eStore