TSO Network Update - April 2018

4 z April 20 New Shareholder Benefit- Online Sales Reporting and Payments TSO Network office is pleased to offer the Shareholder Doctors of TSO a new service… online sales reporting and payments. Now Shareholder Doctors of TSO can submit their monthly sales reports and authorize to have payment deducted automatically from a designated checking or savings account. Listed below are benefits of the program: “I love how easy, quick and simple the online reporting has become. I signed up for it at the beginning of the month and I was able to make my payment before it was due on the 15th. I pay most of my bills online as it is so being able to write one less check is awesome.”- Dr. Christopher Brownlee Shareholders are not required to change their present banking relationship to take advantage of this service • It saves time and postage. • It’s easy to sign up for, easy to cancel. • As an added benefit, all offices signed up for electronic payments will also be eligible for direct deposit of vendor rebates. FAQ s How do I find the sales entry form ? Watch this quick tutorial!