TSO Network Update - April 2018

19 z April 2018 Rate this article: (No ratings) Changes to Provider Remittance Advice (PRA) Display As part of the PRA updates, you will see the following changes: 1. Label changes under the “Summary At-A-Glance” section, and within the body of the PRA: a. Contracted Reimbursement Amount will now display as “Provider Payable” b. Amount Due Before Interest will now display as “Amount Paid Before Interest” c. Amount Due After Interest will now display as “Amount Paid After Interest” 2. If there is an outstanding balance displayed, the below message will show on the bottom of the PRA: a. A negative outstanding balance on your statement indicates money was collected in excess of the contracted amounts due t you for services you provided. These amounts may be in the form of member copays, lens options charges, and/or overage amounts for frames and lenses. This amount must be paid to Spectera Eyecare Networks. For more information on reading this provider remittance statement, please see the Network Administration Manual on spectera.com .