TSO Network Update - April 2018

April 2018 z 14 Steve Coronado “The insights to attendance of this year’s Vision Expo provide the opportunity to stay informed to the eye care industry’s changes, connected with our preferred vendors and obtain education to extend to the network members of Texas State Optical. We currently have in place a very progressive Network with many items mentioned to position in growing your practice, such as online appointment scheduling, are already presented to my members to utilized. Additional insights were garnered to ecommerce platforms, merchandising management and practice layout in regards to proper lighting and patent friendly configurations were presented. The addition insights to digital marketing of practices with focus on importance of a practices induvial website is stressed and I am proud that we have support in place with our Marketing Consultants of Yanely, Lindsey under Robin’s leadership to assist the Network. Zeiss, our preferred vendor for lens and lab services is truly a leader in the industry and in their support of Independent Practices is second to none, again the value of the partnership is one I am very excited to be a part of in my role. Other preferred partners such as EyeDesign, Alternative Eyewear, ClearVision, Kerring, GPN/The Edge are present and I strive to visit in continuing to bound with education to products and services available to TSO. Many of these will be present at upcoming Vision Quest in Portland and I look forward to continued partnership. 2018 will be a very exciting year for the network and looking forward to sharing education of best practices others have utilized in creating The best patient experience and I am proud to have a change to make the difference!” Rosie Daniel “Vision Expo East 2018, what a wonderful experience! ‘How to Measure Financial Success’ was a class taken. The panelist consisted of our very own Board Member Dr. Mark Wright, Jay Binkowitz and others. Although the class was only 45 minutes, wonderful nuggets were given: 1. Setting up base salaries for Associate Doctors and staff 2. Frame Quantities – Having too much or not enough. 3. Necessary/Unnecessary Office equipment. 4. Get a better understanding of practical strategies for medical exams. 5. Profitability with managed care. I attended a merchandising class. Merchandising with props is the future! Props adds excitement to your gallery. No optician should want a boring gallery. I attended many other classes. Looking forward to Vision Quest 2018, where two of my Expo presenters will present. Dr. Mark Wright and Sharon Carter.” Robin Oloyede As a first time attendee to Vision Expo East, the experience to observe the enormity and growth in the optometry industry was greatly appreciated. Here are a few action items that can be implemented immediately in your office to engage patients. 1. QR Codes: Did you know that your phone camera can read a QR code and bring up a URL for you without taking a photo? Try placing QR codes, with a simple tutorial image, around your office that link to your social media or your scheduler. It works for Android and Apple! 2. Does your office recycle blister packs? If not, contact your Bausch +Lomb rep and ask them to get your office registered in the Bausch + Lomb ONE by ONE Recycling Program. You can use social media to let your patients know about the program and ask them via Facebook Live to participate by dropping off their collected contact lens waste. 3. Need content for your social media like archived photos of your city? Try http://www.texasescapes.com ! It’s a fun way to get patients engaged on #tbt. TSO at Vision Expo East